Local Plan
The Brentwood Local Plan sets out the Council’s development policy framework for the borough, of which Dunton Hills Garden Village is identified as an allocation for a new community. The Local Plan informs the strategic planning framework for Dunton Hills; including the Masterplan Framework and Supplementary Planning Document.
The Local Plan is currently awaiting Examination in Public and further information can be found on our Local Plan Examination web page.
Site specific planning guidance
Supplementary Planning Document
The draft Supplementary Planning Document is currently available for public comment and sets out the detailed design features of Dunton Hills Garden Village. This is a guiding document that shapes how development comes forward at Dunton Hills in the future and is used to assess future planning applications. It has been guided by an extensive co-design process undertaken between May-August 2020 with project stakeholders and community members.
The Supplementary Planning Document will guide important elements of the community such as architectural design, community legacy, parking, transport, landscape, public space and street design, health and education, sustainability and innovation.
We encourage you to get involved in the co-design work and shape the future of Dunton Hills Garden Village. You can find out more here.
The draft Supplementary Planning Document will be available for public consultation in summer 2020 with the draft Masterplan. Here, we hope you will be able to see how your input through co-design has helped to inform how Dunton Hills Garden Village will look and feel.
Framework Masterplan Document
The framework Masterplan Document takes into consideration policy requirements set out in the Brentwood Local Plan, technical constraints and opportunities, and technical feedback received from stakeholders to date. This work is being prepared in collaboration with CEG who are the main land promoter at Dunton Hills.
Several technical workshops have been undertaken to understand the infrastructure needs for a new community of this size and inform the broad layout for Dunton Hills considering site constraints and opportunities such as topography, flooding, views, heritage items, access, surrounding land uses and other considerations. Outcomes of the workshops can be found here.
A number of key principles set out in the draft Masterplan have helped to inform the draft Supplementary Planning Document.
The draft Masterplan is available for comment alongside the draft Supplementary Planning Document as the supporting technical document.
Related documentation
Our Document Library provides a range of documents that have helped to guide, organise and plan for Dunton Hills Garden Village so far ranging from stakeholder meetings to our team structure.