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Local plan examination

The Brentwood Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 14 February 2020.

Planning inspectors

Yvonne Wright BSc(Hons) Dip TP DMS MSc MRTPI and Mike Worden BA (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI have been appointed to conduct the examination to determine whether the Local Plan is sound.

Programme officer

Annette Feeney has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the examination to deal with all procedural, administrative and programming matters. She is independent from the Council and reports directly to the Inspector. All correspondence or queries relating to the examination should be directed to the Programme Officer:


Tel: 07775 771026

Post: Annette Feeney, Brentwood Local Plan Programme Officer, Town Hall, Ingrave Road, Brentwood, CM15 8AY

Examination document library

The Examination Document Library includes all the supporting evidence and documentation relating to the Local Plan.

The Statement of Fact pdf details where submission documents are available for inspection.

Hearing sessions

The hearing sessions commenced on Tuesday 1 December 2020. For further information please view the Hearing Sessions page.