A decent place in which to live is a basic need for everyone.
The Environmental Health Service seeks to ensure that properties are brought up to an acceptable standard and deals with a number of issues relating to Private Sector Housing.
Camping and caravan sites - both residential and holiday - are also inspected by Environmental Health Officers to ensure that the accommodation provided is reasonable and reaches the required standard.
The Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) is used to assess hazards and conditions in properties. For information about how it works, who it affects and how it is enforced please go to the Gov.uk website.
Carbon monoxide
The effects of carbon monoxide poisoning can be devastating, yet it is easily preventable. The easiest way to protect yourself and your family is by getting an alarm that makes a loud noise when the gas is present.
For more information on free home visits for smoke detectors see the Essex Fire & Rescue website
If you require further information please email envhealth@brentwood.gov.uk or telephone 01277 312500.