How to know if an application has been made
There will be a pale blue notice displayed prominently on the exterior of the premises and a notice will be published in one edition of a local newspaper.
Details of applications can be viewed by visiting Public Access.
How to make a representation
You can email with the following details:
- your name and address
- the name and address of the premises about which you are making representation
- the licensing objective(s) that you think will not be met if the application is granted
- the reason(s) for your view and any evidence in support
- your daytime telephone number so that Council Officers can discuss the matter with you if necessary
There will be a deadline to make representations for each notice. You can find the deadlines by visiting Applications under consultation. If your representation is received after this date, it cannot be considered.
You should be aware that the applicant will normally be given a copy of all representations received.
The Licensing Act 2003 encourages discussion between applicants and objectors to try to resolve issues of concern.
What happens with my representation
The Licensing Authority will check that your representation can be accepted under the Licensing Act 2003. If it can't, you will be notified of the reason why. For instance, your objection may not relate to the licensing objectives, it may be frivolous, repetitious or vexatious.
If it's not possible to resolve the matter between the applicant and those raising relevant representations, the Licensing Authority will call a hearing of the licensing sub-committee to determine the application.
Notice of the hearing will be given and those raising relevant representations will be invited to attend and address the sub-committee. Those attending may be asked questions. If you choose not to attend the hearing, the sub-committee will consider your written representation.
The councillors on the sub-committee will weigh up the information presented to them at the hearing and will make a decision as to whether the application should be granted and, if so, whether any additional conditions need to be attached to the licence.