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Evidence base

It is essential that up-to-date, robust and comprehensive evidence can inform preparation of the Council's emerging Local Development Plan and assist when determining planning applications.

The below studies have been completed since adoption of the existing Local Plan (2005). Several studies have been produced for the Council by specialist consultants and some undertaken in partnership with other local authorities.

These are listed under the following themes, recognising that certain document will overlap across themes: Borough Profile; Economy and Employment; Environment; Housing and Demography; Infrastructure; Leisure and Recreation; Retail and Town Centre; Site Assessment; Transport; and Viability.

More information and appendices can be viewed in the Council's Document Library.

Borough profile

Economy and employment

Economic Futures 2013-2033 (January 2018)

Heart of Essex Economic Futures (June 2012)

Employment Land Review (September 2010)


Green Belt Study (November 2018)

Protected Lanes Assessment

Green Infrastructure Strategy (September 2015)

Habitats Regulations Assessment (January 2019)

Surface Water Management Plan for Brentwood Borough (January 2015)

Renewable Energy Study (April 2014)

Local Wildlife Site Review (December 2012)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (November 2018)

Sustainability Appraisal (January 2019)

Water Cycle Study (November 2018)

Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study (November 2018)

Mid Essex Landscape Character Assessment (September 2006)

Housing and demography

Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)

Greater Essex Demographic Forecasts 2012-2037

Heart of Essex Housing Growth Scenarios (June 2012)

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) (October 2017)


Brentwood Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)

Leisure and recreation

Built Facilities Strategy (October 2018)

Playing Pitch Strategy

Golf Course Needs Assessment (October 2018)

Open Space, Sport and Leisure Needs Assessment (August 2016)

Hotel & Visitor Accomodation Futures Study (April 2008)

Retail and town centres

Brentwood Town Centre Design Plan (November 2017)

Brentwood Town Centre Regeneration Strategy (May 2010)

Retail and Commercial Leisure Study (December 2014)

Site assessment

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) (October 2018)

NOTE: The HELAA is regularly reviewed. We are no longer accepting new sites for assessment. Further site submissions will be kept on file and inform subsequent reviews. Sites must be submitted to the Council using the online form below. Guidance on how to complete this form can be found in our HELAA Guidance Note pdf:

Site Assessment Methodology and Summary of Outcomes (January 2018)

Site Analysis Overview (February 2019)

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) (October 2011)


Transport Assessment (October 2018)


Local Plan Viability Assessment (October 2018)