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Coronavirus - service updates

Impact on council services

Updates in relation to Covid-19's impact on Brentwood Borough Council services. All the latest updates will be posted in this section and on our social media accounts.

Burials and funerals

Burials and funerals are taking place as per normal.

See GOV.UK: funerals and linked commemorative events advice and Cemeteries and funerals.

For more information, visit The Church of England and Essex CC.

Business support

All businesses should follow the principles set out in the working safely guidance. Whilst the Government is no longer instructing people to work from home if they can, a gradual return over the summer is recommended.

Car parks

Safe working methods will be practiced by our enforcement officers in line with Government guidance.

There may be a delay in processing permits under the current circumstances. Registration details are kept on record for renewals and a Penalty Charge Notice will not be issued for those waiting for a permit to be delivered.

Continue to check this page for updates.


The following sport and leisure facilities are affected:

Organisations or groups who need advice or support can email our Community Services team at

The Brentwood Community Hub is appealing for volunteers to help those who are struggling during the pandemic. Donations of food, toiletries and essentials are also needed to ensure that the Community Hub can keep up with demand.

If you find yourself having to stay at home and need help with picking up shopping, a friendly phone, posting mail or urgent supplies please contact a Community Help Hub pdf in your area/village and they can help.

More support can be found from the following groups:

Brentwood COVID-19 Mutual Aid - contact 01277 424953 or email or visit the Facebook page 

Brentwood Residents' Action Group (BRAG) - contact 07553 788009 or 07961 972917

Community Agents Essex are working. 

Under the current circumstances the Brentwood Community Transport 808 service has been suspended in the interests of the safety of their drivers and passengers.

Allotments are open. For more guidance, visit National Allotment Society.

Community safety and enforcement

If you need to report an urgent matter or need advice, call 01277 312500. If your enquiry is non-urgent, complete the online form:

For details of advice and support available, visit Community Safety.

Essex Trading standards have advised that there have been doorstep rogues claiming to be from the NHS providing Covid-19 testing. Scammers will take advantage of the situation, to extort money or to gain access to your home. Report cold callers by calling 0808 223 1133

Age UK have put together some useful information.

For practical information and advice, call Age UK Advice on 0800 169 65 65

For a cheerful chat, day or night, call Silver Line on 0800 470 80 90

The procedure for dealing with unauthorised gypsy or traveller encampments may be subject to change based on Government and Essex Police advice. More information is available by visiting Unauthorised Encampments.

Council tenants

General and rent

If you need to report an urgent matter or need advice, call 01277 312500. If your enquiry is not urgent, you can complete the online form:

 or email


If you would like to cancel your repair, call us on 01277 312500.

If you or anyone in your household are experiencing any symptoms of coronavirus, call us as soon as possible to advise, or email for all of your repair needs.

Gas Safety inspections are a legal obligation for the council and it is imperative that we complete this in your property when requested. Axis staff will continue to wear PPE when attending your property for repairs or services.

We will continue to keep residents updated on the current service provision on this page.

Dog warden service

During the coronavirus pandemic the response from the dog warden may take longer than usual. Wallace Kennels are continuing to accept dogs, however please telephone them beforehand and under no circumstances should you go to the kennels if you are unwell or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Further information is available on our Lost & Stray Dogs web page.

The dog warden continues to collect stray dogs.

Environmental health

To ensure the safety of both staff and residents, site visits by Environmental Health officers will be limited. 

Only in exceptional circumstances will internal visits to residents homes or businesses be undertaken, provided that appropriate health and safety measures such as social distancing and PPE are adhered to.

Financial support

Citizens Advice Brentwood has developed a new digital tool, ‘Making Every Penny Count’ to improve the financial wellbeing of our local residents.

We know that this is an anxious time for many people. This new digital brochure is packed full of helpful ways to maximise household income, save money and prevent financial problems, designed specifically to help anyone living in the south of Essex:

Additional support is also available from their specialist Money Advice team by calling 01277 358082.

For any general enquiries please contact Citizens Advice on 0300 330 2101.

Food safety

Food hygiene courses have been suspended until further notice.

Housing estate inspections

The inspections have recommenced and will be carried out on a regular basis by a Housing Officer.

Housing options & homelessness

We are currently operating a homelessness triage service by telephone.  If you require urgent housing advice due to immediate homelessness please call 01277 312500 who will transfer you to our Duty Officer who will be able to assess your circumstances and provide appropriate guidance. 

If your enquiry is non-urgent, please complete the Housing Advice form on-line and an Officer will contact you.

For further information please go to our Finding Somewhere to Live & Homelessness web page.


We are making some changes to our Licensing Services to help minimise the disruption caused to licence holders by Covid-19 and to reduce unnecessary contact.

Please see the latest advice and information for hackney carriage and private hire drivers on our Taxi and Minicab and Coronavirus safety tips for drivers web pages. Further guidance is provided for passengers on our Coronavirus safety tips for passengers

There is currently restricted access to the public at the Depot, so please do not arrive there without a specific appointment. Alternative arrangements are being put in place to enable essential paperwork to be submitted electronically where possible and where this is not already in place.

All close contact service providers such as beauty salons, tattoo studios, spas and barbers are strongly advised to follow the guidance on how to work safely.

If you have a query regarding an existing licence or application please contact

Whilst we hope that Brentwood residents and businesses fully comply with the government regulations, Brentwood Borough Council alongside colleagues at Essex Police have enforcement responsibilities to ensure compliance.

To report non-compliance around business closure, please email details to, for non-compliance around public gatherings and restrictions on movement please refer to Essex Police.


We are holding pre-application meetings online and by telephone. Please continue to view this page for updates.

Reception and Council offices

The Town Hall is now open to Brentwood Borough Council customers Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm (closed 12pm to 1pm).

You will be asked to wear a face covering in our COVID secure reception area and will be provided with hand sanitiser upon arrival.

Weddings at the Town Hall

Brentwood Borough Council Ceremonies Room at the Town Hall now allows full capacity, up to 25 guest, in the room. The situation will be monitored to ensure that safety is maintained for those attending. 

Check our weddings and ceremonies web page for updates.

You can also now arrange to view the Town Hall wedding venue.

Waste and recycling

Household waste and recycling collections are operating as normal. Please continue to check this page for updates.

Business waste: Due to COVID-19, existing customers can suspend collections with immediate effect. Bins will remain at the current location and collections will resume only on the customers instruction. All charges will reflect the suspension.

All Essex recycling centres remain open as per current operating times. the sites are open specifically for essential household waste during the national lockdown. You may travel to a recycling centre to dispose of waste that you cannot safely store in your home or that your kerbside collections do not accept.

The textile collection service has resumed.

Please continue to check this page for updates.

Essex County Council services

For updates on how Essex County Council services are affected, please visit the Essex County Council - Coronavirus website. This includes information on services such as schools, libraries, country parks and public transport.

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